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Resources and Tools for the KidneyX Community

About Kidney Diseases

Kidney Basics

Learn all about kidney health and how kidneys work – from our friends at the National Kidney Foundation

Kidney Diseases and KRT

Get more facts about chronic kidney disease (CKD), kidney failure, and the state of kidney replacement therapy (KRT)

13 people

die each day waiting for a transplant

37M Americans

have kidney diseases

360 people

begin dialysis treatment every 24 hours

12 hours

Amount of time each week a typical in-center hemodialysis patient spends attached to a machine

Patient Perspectives

Patient Stories

Hear directly from people with kidney diseases

KHI Patient and Family Partnership Council

The Kidney Health Initiative (KHI) Patient and Family Partnership Council works closely with the Board of Directors and staff to advise and make recommendations on member project proposals, projects, and overall efforts so that the patient’s voice, experience, and involvement is meaningful and effective.


Kidney Patient Advocacy Organizations

Trusted organizations connecting prize competition applicants with patients

American Association of Kidney Patients

American Kidney Fund

PKD Foundation

Community Innovation and Solutions

Solver Community

Connect with innovators from a wide range of backgrounds

Prize Competitions

Help accelerate the development of therapies across the spectrum of kidney care

KRT Technology Roadmap

Explore prioritized solution strategies and research opportunities to develop commercially viable KRT alternatives

Human Centered Design Toolkit

Tools to help product developers understand the stories of those they are striving to help

conceptual kidney community

General Prize Competition Resources

Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) Learn

An educational tool with learning modules describing regulations for medical device and radiation emitting products

Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) Advanced Technologies Team (CATT)

An overview of the CATT program purpose and scope, and a description of the process for interaction

FDA Breakthrough Devices Program

FAQs related to the FDA breakthrough program including core benefits, eligibility, and guidance

FDA Initial Targeted Engagement for Regulatory Advice on CBER Products (INTERACT) Forum

An overview of the purpose and process for INTERACT meetings, which are informal non-binding consultations with the CBER at FDA

Kidney Health Initiative (KHI) Guide to Regulatory Resources for the Product Developer [PDF]

A resource guide to increase the awareness and understanding of FDA Centers and the products they review; communication mechanisms that enable developers to obtain advice from the FDA; and available programs intended to facilitate development and review of eligible renal replacement therapy products

KHI Clinical Trial Design Resources

A series of resources on clinical trial design in the context of kidney health

Patient Interaction

Kidney Health Initiative (KHI) Patient Focused Development

Aggregated resources and research to support patient focused development

KHI Patient Preferences for Device Development

Primary research and information to help incorporate patient preferences in device development

National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Patient and Family Resources

Patient-centric resources to understand and navigate kidney care

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

Actionable information and tools to support patient engagement in research

Collaboration and Teaming

A Four-Phase Model of Transdisciplinary Team-Based Research: Goals, Team Processes, and Strategies

An article from Translational Behavioral Medicine on the burgeoning interest and investments in cross-disciplinary team-based research, and particularly in transdisciplinary (TD) team-based research

NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

Database of all NIH grants to search for both active and past projects

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We hope that KidneyX’s dedicated efforts will change the lives of many – my family, your family, and all who treat and love those with kidney diseases.

– Elazer Edelman, MD, PhD – KidneyX Steering Committee
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