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Artificial Kidney Prize, Phase 2: Track Two

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Current Competition

Track Two: Components and Tools that Enable Development of an Artificial Kidney

Track Two of the Artificial Kidney Prize supported the creation of enabling tools for artificial kidney platform development



Track Two solicited applications to develop enabling tools that apply innovations and methods from regenerative medicine, cellular engineering, systems biology, and/or synthetic biology to address a challenge faced in the development of artificial kidneys. For this competition, artificial kidneys may be wearable or implantable options for kidney replacement therapy and developed as a bioengineered, xenotransplant, chimera, or another non-human organ platform.

Entrants’ solutions to Track Two included clear descriptions of the challenge and barrier faced by artificial kidney developers, with supporting rationale and data to support how the proposed tool or component from regenerative medicine, cellular engineering, systems biology, and/or synthetic biology will enable the development of an artificial kidney platform.

This track welcomed submissions from scientists and innovators who work outside the kidney space and have innovations that will overcome barriers for developing an artificial kidney and/or are still laying the foundational framework for their projects.

Total prize amount:$6 Million

6 winners

Key Competition Dates

  • Submission period opened: August 10, 2022
  • Submission period closes: January 28, 2023 at 4:59 p.m. EST
  • Winner Announcement Coming Soon!

Judging Criteria

Functionality Replication

The degree of justification and confidence that the enabling tool or component(s) address a critical challenge in the development of an artificial kidney platform. See Technology Roadmap for Innovative Approaches to Renal Replacement Therapy for examples of kidney functionality.

Level of Innovation

The degree to which the submission identifies a barrier in the development of an artificial kidney platform and describes how an enabling tool can be created through an adaptation of regenerative medicine, cellular engineering, systems biology, and/or synthetic biology, beyond established scientific methods and technology.

Preliminary Proof of Concept

The likelihood of success that the application of regenerative medicine, cellular engineering, systems biology, and/or synthetic biology concepts towards the development of an enabling tool or component can be created to address a challenge in developing an artificial kidney platform.

Development Progress and Plan

The amount of progress completed relative to funding received, the rigor of plans, and the confidence in the team to execute. Plans that describe the work needed beyond the submission include future critical milestones and collaborations.

Rules, Terms, & Eligibility

Review the Announcement of Requirements and Registration for:

  • Full award details
  • Eligibility requirements
  • Registration and submission requirements
  • Evaluation criteria
  • Judging information
  • Other competition rules, terms, and conditions